Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
Opening Up a New Era of Medical Treatment with the Potential of Formulation Design
Opening Up a New Era of Medical Treatment with the Potential of Formulation Design
These days, medical demands are growing due to the declining birthrate and the increasing aged population. Thus, medical technology should be advanced drastically. However, even a new drug candidate that has been selected through a tremendous number of trials and errors cannot be used to treat patients on its own. In order for pharmaceuticals to be useful for treatment in clinical settings, it is necessary to build up a dosage form. To optimize their effects, in other words, it is only when drug substances become “formulations” that they can contribute to treatment. We focus on “formulations” that serve as a bridge between drugs and patients, and while increasing therapeutic effects, reducing side effects, reducing the burden on patients, and improving quality of life (QOL), we are trying to improve “formulation design”.
A drug delivery system (DDS) is a concept of establishing effective formulation to treat disease. It contains the procedure that the required amount of drug to the required damaged organ at the required time. We are working on the development of barrier-free formulations suitable for children and the elderly through the development of transmucosal absorption as a new administration route. We are also expanding our efforts to develop topical formulations and transdermal delivery systems, and are also looking to establish basic information useful for the development of cosmetics. Stratum corneum lipid organization is investigated in detail to clarify the barrier function of skin and to suppose an effective formulation design.
Some of these studies are not only carried out by our Laboratory or within the university but also jointly conducted with related companies and institutions. In addition, as a means of elucidating the efficacy and mechanism of action of the formulations, we will utilize large-scale research facilities that provide cutting-edge science and technology, such as Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (SPring-8) and High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK).
To acquire basic knowledge that will lead to the development of new formulations, we aim to develop human resources who will apply the knowledge they have learned to improve formulations that will open up a new medical era.