Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry


The Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory produces medicinal chemists who can play an active role in the world

The Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory produces medicinal chemists who can play an active role in the world

Total Synthesis of Natural Product 

Many pharmaceutical companies cite experience in total synthesis of natural products as one of the criteria for hiring medicinal chemists. In medicinal chemistry research at a pharmaceutical company, it is necessary to freely and quickly synthesize drug candidate compounds designed by oneself. For that purpose, it is most effective to conduct synthetic research on natural products using various and complex organic synthesis reactions and absorb knowledge and know-how of organic synthesis reactions. The knowledge and know-how of diverse and complex organic synthesis reactions will be a great power to flexibly respond to new fields of synthetic research that have become popular in recent years.
In our laboratory, we are working on the total synthesis of natural products through short-step, high-yield synthetic routes. Synthetic routes for drug candidates in pharmaceutical companies are required to have short steps and high yields. Also, in synthetic research at the exploratory stage, a flexible, short-process, high-yield synthetic route that can be applied to the synthesis of various derivatives contributes to speeding up the overall research. By working on the development of short-step, high-yield synthetic routes from student days, you can improve your abilities as a medicinal chemist.

Medicinal chemistry research aimed at developing new drugs at Hoshi University

Due to the prioritization of profits in corporate drug discovery, drugs to treat a very small number of people with unique diseases are often not developed. One of the drug discovery research that academia, whose mission is education and research, should tackle is the development of therapeutic drugs for diseases for which there are no therapeutic drugs. In our laboratory, we are working on medicinal chemistry research by making use of our knowledge and experience at pharmaceutical companies. We share the knowledge and experience of this research with the entire laboratory and use it to train medicinal chemists.